Department of Linguistics

Winter term 2019/2020, Department of Linguistics; Offer for Erasmus students: Language learning tandems

Erasmus students are invited to participate in language learning tandems during the winter term of the academic year 2019/2020.

Every foreign student will work together with a student who is a native speaker of Croatian with the aim to improve their oral and written language skills and to get practical help with Croatian language issues arising throughout the semester.

Students will meet with their tandem partners every other week, starting from October 14, 2019. The mentors are Croatian students enrolled in the course "Current language teaching methods" in the frame of the BA program "Language and communication in a multlingual society" at the Department of Linguistics.

Those interested in participating can register by sending an email to by October 2, 2019, with the title: Language learning tandems. In the email, please state your first name and surname, the Department at the University of Zadar that you are affiliated with, your home institution/university, the year and the title of your degree course at your home institution, your country, as well as your first language.

The number of participants is limited to 14, Erasmus students enrolled in the course "Current language teaching methods" and in the BA program "Language and communication in a multlingual society" will have priority in the enrollment process.

Izv. prof. dr. sc. Marijana Kresić Vukosav